Sunday, October 24, 2010

Beach Blanket Wedding (warning: photo intensive!!)

Man, I love a wedding.  And a beach wedding in October?  Even better.
Weddings have everything!

You might get a dog walking down the aisle.

All your friends are gathered together to celebrate a special day.

Everyone is dressed up in their Sunday finery.

Often times, the last time you were all dressed up was at the LAST wedding.

Or, maybe at a charity event.

There's always a cute girl wearing a cuter dress.

Followed by a beautiful woman wearing a beautiful dress.

Vows, tears, rings and kisses.

First moments of Mr. and Mrs.

This wedding even had Swedish twins.

Oh, and then comes the food.  This was seriously the best dip ever.  It may look like scrambled eggs, but it was artichoke yumminess.


Creative little touches are everywhere.  

You're gonna get your standard boy picture.

And your gorgeous girl picture.

And we all want our picture with the bride (a fellow MANU FAN!)

And the groom.

Then, there's the party ship/boat that has been passed on to each wedding and baby shower.  (always being updated, as you can see)

And, the requisite photo WITH the bride and the boat.

It's a day of celebration, new beginnings, great times, great food, CAKE, some Irish dancing, some ship swapping, but most of all love.
Congrats to Karl and Denise!


SPT said...

i loooooove a good wedding! LOVE!

mel said...

This post should be called 'Southern Glamour'. Everyone is gorgeous!

sherri s. said...

And.... I'm back! I missed you and your blog, too. I was in China, where Blogger is censored (!) so no blog surfing for me!

This wedding is gorgeous--looks like it should be in Martha Stewart Weddings. Including the boat!

Soooo tired...

word: kingste

The queenste and kingste were surrounded by fawning courtierste. (Best I can do with jet lag!)