Sunday, May 6, 2012

Tomatoes and Cannonballs

I love tomatoes.  I love tomato sandwiches with loads of salt, pepper and mayo.  YUM!  My blogger buddy, Colleen, mentioned a place called, "The Vegetable Bin" in one of her recent blogs.  It is a place that sells local produce, and sells it cheap!

Well, today, when I woke up I was craving a tomato sandwich.  There are never good tomatoes in our grocery stores.  They are all mushy and mealy and have no flavor whatsoever.  I thought of Colleen's blog post and was excited to drive downtown to check it out.

We live about 15 minutes from downtown Charleston, but we don't seem to get down there as much as we'd like to.  So, every time I do get there, I'm reminded of what a pretty town this is. 

I loved the Vegetable Bin.  It's family owned and run. There are pictures behind the counter of  Grandpa and his best friend, who died in the Battle of the Bulge.  Seeing that picture was worth the trip alone!  After the tomatoes,  (and onions, taters and avocados) we took a little drive around the market and battery area.  There is something to see in every little nook and corner, like these stairs---

And, these were at the back of the house.  Here's the front:

On any given day, there are so many wonderful things to see---
a horse who listens to the same story all day long,and carries people from all over the world around our little town

sweet grass basket makers

a purple bike

how about some house hunting?  
should we buy big, bigger or biggest?

I saw an old gentleman pick up something a tourist had dropped, while riding a carriage ride. He walked out into the street and up to the carriage to give it to the tourist.  That's just what Southerner's do.  Anything else would be impolite. 

It's pretty great to live in a vacation town.

Even cooler that we have cannonballs.

Tomatoes and Cannonballs.


KB said...

So fun to read a post with pictures of sights I know well. Cant wait to get back to Charleston!

Colleen said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful day! So were the tomatoes good?
I love Grandpa and those are his grandkids that run the place.

JuJu said...

Colleen, the tomatoes were good. They weren't quite "summer" quality, but they were certainly worth the trip!!

Grandma K said...

Oh, how I love those pictures. Such a pretty place. I am green with envy at your vegetable place! Wish we had one.

Grandma K said...

Oh, how I love those pictures. Such a pretty place. I am green with envy at your vegetable place! Wish we had one.

sherri s. said...

Looks like a lovely day...I love to explore by just wandering. And cannon balls? A rare sight where I live. My friend who works at William and Mary just had to endure a whole day of Civil War re-enactors out on the plaza shooting off cannons. I assume no real cannon balls were involved. I hope not...