Friday, August 16, 2013

Another Friday Night Q&A

Dear God:  What is your greatest source of pride?
Chipaholic Ju
My dearest child:   Pringles


Dear Bradley Cooper:  Are your eyes really that blue?
From your newest fan, the Ju
My dearest,and favorite Ju:    They are blue, because my heart aches for you.

(excuse me, this is Friday Night Fantasy Q&A)


Dear Mr.Murphy:  Why do your laws always seem to remind me how human I am?
From Friday the 13th Ju
Dear Horror Movie Ju:    It's my job to bring you back down to earth by reminding you how stupid you are.


Dear World:  why so much hatred and anger?
Bitter and Cynical in SC
Dear BCSC:  It all comes down to money and religion.


Dear World, Part II:  why must things change?
Sad Sack in the Creek
Hey Sack:  Grow up.


Dear Warner Brothers:  Is Tweety Bird a male or female?
From:  Learned all my classical music from you, just like Seinfeld
Dear Socially Retarded:  TB is whatever the Tasmanian Devil is not.


Dear Tim Gunn:  Why didn't you just slap the crap out of that team this week?
Ju the Fitful Project Runway Watcher
My dearest, although fashion-challenged JTFPRW:   Um, didn't I?


Dear Breaking Bad:  What is going to happen to Jesse?
Ju the Jesse lover

Dear Ju the JL: I can't tell you.  But, I'm betting it will make you cry, no matter what it is.


Dear Mom:  I'm sorry for all the crap I gave you, the times I was angry, and the times I rolled my eyes at you.
Mom:  Daughter,  No problem.  I sent my granddaughter to make it even.


Dear Zach Braff: thank you for the  Garden State soundtrack.  It's a Friday night tradition.
Love, Ju
Dear Ju:  You know what goes well with my soundtrack? Bradley Cooper.


Colleen said...

Loved this post!!

My mother always told me that my daughters are God's way of getting even with me for being such a horrible child....

sherri s. said...

I had a nice long comment typed and Blogger had an error--boo! Anyway, these posts of yours are the best--you are TOO too funny! I'm sure Bradley Cooper likes a gal with a good sense of humor!