Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thursday Thoughts

I just can't get into Pinterest.
But all the food on there looks G O O D.
I'm already tired of the GET FIT/LOSE WEIGHT commercials on TV.
It's hard to type with a cat on your lap.
I hate mealy tomatoes.
Short work weeks seem to last longer than normal work weeks.
Why do the nice people move away, and the horrible people just stay put?
Is there a good eye cream out there that doesn't cost an arm and a leg?
I'm starting to dislike khaki pants.
I've seen Les Mis twice now.  I anticipate more trips to the theatre.
I'm now going to hold my breath for ten seconds.
My newest admitted addiction: Chopped.
My newest won't admit addiction:  Restaurant Impossible
My new favorite actor to crush on, even though he looks young enough to be my child:

I do love a man with freckles.
Have you seen Rocks TV?  OMG, if you haven't, it's too silly to miss.
My favorite peanut butter is Peter Pan.
I haven't eaten peanut butter for a long time.
If we had to go on Family Feud, we'd have a hard time finding five people to do it.
Well, five folks who could come up with good answers...
I haven't ridden my shiny blue bike in a very long time. 
But, I am still dieting. Oh, excuse, me, I guess the buzz word phrase is, "lifestyle change."
I won't lie - I could eat a whole bag of potato chips and dip right this second.
What's your favorite dip?  I like anything with garlic.
Let's look at another picture of the cutie patootie, Eddie Redmayne:

Three weeks until the mountains. 
I still need to take down my Christmas crap.
I think Taylor is spending the summer in San Fransisco. Lucky kid.
This is the year I turn 50.
Let's get celebrating.


sherri s. said...

Me too! Turning fifty, finding Eddie Redmayne sooo interesting-looking (he's almost ugly from some angles but gorgeous from others--I love it!); I like me a red-headed, freckled fellow myself (don't tell my husband, who is neither one of these things); not into Pinterest.

And I like the horrible-good-horrible-bad onion dip made from Lipton's soup mix and sour cream. And also? Guacamole.

Happy New Year!

angie128 said...

We love Chopped, too!
And, any dip with cream cheese is a winner in my book.

Grandma K said...

You certainly expressed a lot of my thoughts!! Wow.

Colleen said...

I so agree about Pintrest...
and I'm with sherri on the dip!

Carrie said...

Did you see Restaurant Impossible: Whiskey Creek? It was a block from my house in Washington. Gitta has been there with us...fabulous steaks!!! I love to read your blog!!