Monday, October 7, 2013

A Trip Down Memory Lane

I turn 50 on Thursday.

I'm the last of all my school friends who are reaching this milestone.  I was always the youngster in the class. You know, everyone else was able to drive, vote and drink (legally) before me.  It was a real pain in the keester back then, but at least I'm one of the last ones in my 40's.

Last year, my forever friend, Laura, turned 50.  To honor her birthday, I sent her a list of 50 memories I had with and about her.

Saturday, I walked out of my house and saw a book from Shutterfly on my front step.  Look who's on the cover:

Oh, you might not recognize her.  That's Jake's mom.  (seriously,  I totally see Jake in myself here!)   This girl was all purity and filled with hope and dreams.  (pretty funny, really, since I was stood up at the dance I attended in this dress)

My 50 before me friend took my memories,and went one step further.  She found photos, memorabilia, and put them all together to bring those memories back to life. 

I love stuff like this, I love gifts like this, and I so appreciate that she took all this time to put it together.

Don't be jealous of my blue shawl.

We haven't seen each other in many years. She lives in Colorado, and of course, I'm here on the East Coast. But she's one of just a few people in my life that  have been there for years and years; close to 50 years, really.  Our birthdays don't pass without each of us sending a card, and we correspond at Christmas. For the most part, that's about it. But, I always count her as one of my forever friends.  I mean, she IS.  The advent of Facebook has helped tremendously, as we're able to share our lives more easily, and more often.

But, what a treat it is for me, to start this birthday week with such a special trip down Memory Lane.  Thanks Laura! I think I'll go listen to some Ohio Players now.


Grandma K said...

How special to have a friend like that - especially when you live so far apart. Have a great day on Thursday. Take off work and make it a long happy celebratory weekend.

Colleen said...

Wow, what a fantastic gift! You are so blessed to have a friend like that!

Make this a special week (I know you will)!!

sherri s. said...

Yay, yay, yay! Join the Nifty Fifty Club! Sweet book...I love them; I made one for my mom's birthday last month! (Fun to make, too!). Hope you celebrate in inimitable JuJu style, Miss Thang! (No exercising allowed.)

And how cute were you? Pretty effin' cute!