Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday Night Self Esteem Check

My boss's second oldest child is getting married this weekend. My boss and I have worked together for a LONG time and I'm happy to attend and support and celebrate! Steven is taking pictures at the rehearsal and the wedding brunch, so we'll be around a lot of people over the next few days.

I do enjoy weddings, and it doesn't matter how many people I know. (One of my favorite weddings of all time was the one where the only person I knew was the bride.) So, I'm not overwhelmed by the fact that we don't know many folks attending. I'm not worried about making conversation with strangers. I don't even mind that I'll probably be alone for most of the festivities.

What I DO mind is the fact that I tried on three or four dresses and now I'm suffering from a severe self esteem setback. First of all, my mirrors are the meanest things on the planet. Surely, things don't look THAT scary?

See this color block (or lack, thereof) in the left hand corner? That is the color of my skin, only not as pretty. I am so pale. Oh, I do still have the remnants of an early spring sunburn/farmer's tan, that should look pretty awesome with my sleeveless dresses.

Everything I tried on looked like this:

Oh, and I got my hair cut yesterday. I'm known for changing my hair frequently, and my motto has always been, "the funkier, the better." But, I had an epiphany when I looked at myself in the mirror this morning: I have Adam Lambert's hair now. (only mine is multi-colored, and on a much older body)

So, if you need a good chuckle this weekend, please picture my very white skinned body strutting into the wedding wearing Homer Simpson's muu-muu with my Adam Lambert hairdo.



angie128 said...

OK, I'm sure you won't look anything like that. But you did make me laugh out loud!

Mary said...

i know this was not funny and i hear ya on the body-disgruntlement (just having a baby and nothing NOTHING fitting is sucky) but that made me chuckle. I love you. I am sure you will be looking as fabulously funk-tastic as you always do. I cannot wait to see the new do'. Strut your shit this evening with your cool new hair and your farmer's tan.


unclebro said...

You look lovely my dear.

mel said...

I am sure you will be the hit of the wedding, because you have a beautiful spirit that really shines in your writing. Work it, and enjoy!

sherri s. said...

You SO crack me up! I'm sure you looked lovely, BTW. (I don't watch the show, but have you seen pix--love the supermarket checkout line, it's why I don't go through the self-serve line!) of Kate from "Jon and Kate Plus a Million Kids" or whatever it's called? Her hair is, um, interesting!

JuJu said...

Sherri, I read somewhere that Kate's hair is being described as the "reverse mullet."
Isn't that great??!!