Wednesday, May 20, 2009

World's Most Unflattering Picture

Let me walk you through this lovely photo. It was New Years Eve two years ago, and we were in the mountains with L/M and T/M. We decided it would be hat night. (thus the hats)

Please note the bag of Munchos in my hand. Steven looks like he has a Hitler mustache. Bathrobe, lack of makeup, big black feathery hat, silly grins. We are probably pruned from spending way too much time in the hot tub.

Voila! THIS is the result.

Ahhhhh, who cares. It was a great night!


mel said...

Clearly a memorable night!!

Mary said...

that it was, that it was. can't wait to get back up there and spend some more time in that hot tub. oh, and eat.