Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Boys Will Be Boys

It doesn't matter where a boy is born. It could be Missouri, South Carolina, or England.
Put them on a beach and they have to dig.

Not only do they have to dig, they have to dig holes.

Some will make great plans about the holes.

Some will make a very neat, tidy, precise hole.

Some will create a wall to protect their hole.

There is always one boy who will supervise.

And one who creates outside the box.

They don't need to talk. They communicate silently with that boy language. I saw a neat thing this weekend. That boy language is universal. There are no language or age barriers when it comes to hole diggin'.


angie128 said...

Love the "supervisor" picture!

All those boys need Cooper's Awesome Auger!!!

mel said...

Sweet! Me, I just prefer the sitting.

JuJu said...

Yes, I'm the sitting kind of beach goer as well. I'm very happy to people watch, read, or daydream. :-)

Libby Buttons said...

I so enjoy your writing style....

mel said...

Hey, Ju. I'm going to be shutting down my blog shortly and starting a new one. I will let you know where I am. Hope you're having a great weekend!

mel said...

Ju - turns out there is a way to "protect" a blog so only invited readers can read it. You should be able to since you have a blog yourself, but if not send me a note on FB (maryellen reardon/jersey shore) and we will figure it out. I don't want to lose you. (This is cuz I am worried Miguel is reading the blog.)

JuJu said...

Mel, I left you some information on facebook.