Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thursday Night MidLife Crisis

My daughter is almost a grown up. Well, okay, she's only 16, but she's closer to a grown up, than she is to a baby. I watch, every day,as she struggles with adult decisions, choices and roads. I'm so proud of her. But, I want to stop the time and go back to when she had that crazy two year old voice and snuggled up to me all the time.

Look at here here with Tracy. They look like two women out for lunch. And, this picture was a year ago. When did this all happen? When did we go from MickeyMouse, Arthur and Stanley to driving, college applications and high school graduation.?


angie128 said...

There is a commercial out right now - don't even know the product - but it's a little girl asking her dad to go out with her friends or something, but then he realizes that she's a teenager. Have you seen it? I can't even watch it. Makes me bawl my eyes out.

Time flies.....


~Easy said...

I know what you mean, though I'm a couple of years behind you. My oldest starts HS next year. And we were having a conversation last night about whether or not she was old enough to get dropped off at a concert with her friends!!

JuJu said...

Thank you for your comments, it makes me feel less alone in this journey!!