Friday, July 24, 2009

A question that has kept me up nights

WHY is it that bug bites itch so darn much in the middle of the night?


angie128 said...

I can totally relate.

After a little hike in a slightly wooded area last weekend, I am now sporting some lovely chigger bites. One of them is in my BELLY BUTTON. How gross is that? And it itches?

And last night I went to a baseball game and forgot to spray, so now my feet are all bitten and itchy.


I will be thinking of you tonight at 2am. And scratching.

mel said...

I'm about to make a gross comment, but I assure you it is the truth. Put some of your spit on your fingers and gently pat the bite. Takes the itch away for a while. Grosses my daughter out but I swear it works.