I didn't play any sports in school, so no chance for nicknames there. I was in choir and band, but "Soprano" and "Flute Player" just never rolled off anyone's tongue. I have two older brothers, you would think these two yahoos would have been able to come up with something/anything?

Sadly, no. They just pretended they didn't have a little sister.
I went through high school, college and the first forty years of my life without a nickname. I met Steven and as he told tales of his friends, I realized that everyone in the world, other than me, has a nickname. His was Mabel. He has a friend, Paul, whose nickname is Horris. Chris is Kramer. There was a kid in his school they named Wub. My grandmother would speak of her siblings, and I would get so confused. They all had two or three different names. I grew up thinking there were about fifteen kids in her family. (I kid you not!) I mean, the list goes on and on. My brother Jeff is known as Jamie, and my other brother is known as TJ. Me? Judi. Plain old boring brown haired AVERAGE Judi. No nickname Judi.
I started complaining about this plight a few years ago. Some friends of mine even attempted to come up with a few names. Here's a few that never stuck: Chicken Crap and Zippy. Steven said they wouldn't stick, because there was nothing behind them, no story, no history. And he's right. When it's not natural, it just doesn't work.

Then, came along this little guy. I knew him before he could talk. I knew him before he could walk! He couldn't say Judi, and so he began saying JuJu. And guess what? It STUCK!! And, I finally have my nickname. And I love it. It came from one of my favorite little boys. As many of you have noticed, I use the moniker for all my on line postings. My friends and even my family have started using this as a term of endearment for me. It makes me so happy to have a nickname.
I wasn't going to put this picture on here, but the fact that this expression on my face didn't scare the child away from me made me realize how very much I love that my nickname came from the mouth of this babe.
My nickname giver was in town this weekend. I hadn't seen him since Christmas. (his mean mom and dad moved to Oklahoma for stupid Air Force stuff!!) He came to the top of the step and yelled to me, "JuJu!!!" Awwwwww. That made me feel so happy to hear him call my NICKNAME.
And, really, JuJu is so much better than Chicken Crap.
I call you JuJu. Because that's kind of all I know. Or Aunt Silly. Do we really have "real" names? I introduced myself to a twitter friend once as "I'm angie128".
And I love the cowboy Christmas picture.
I know, it's like we're cyborgs or something. :-) You are Angie128. (with the new cool sectional!)
Imagine the poor people who have to explain why they are nicknamed "Stinky" or "WebbedToe".
Jan Jan Big Fat Pan
It would be weird to call you Judi. You ARE JuJu.
I never had a nickname, either--unless you count the time in fifth grade I was dubbed "Miss Priss" by a very mean boy (who I continued to love anyway!). And as for my tomatoes--yes, you can have a sandwich...where I come from, we've been known to simply slather on some salt and some Miracle Whip and chow on down!
In college my dorm mates nicknamed me "Stinky". I can't figure out why but the name stuck all thru school and 2 guys broke up with me because of it.
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