Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I love hidden messages.  I love non hidden messages.  I saw this on my way home from work today, and it made me happy.  

It's just a little thing, but sometimes the little things go a long way.  

I've been dieting for the past few weeks.  I'd rather have teeth pulled than diet.  I love cheese more than life itself, and I haven't had any for weeks.  So, for me to be doing this is a BIG thing.  I think that's why I'm holding on to the little things.  

Like, THIS little thing:

Today, I decided to treat myself after dinner with a Dove Milk Chocolate.  I've been a good girl, and I've earned it.

One of my favorite things about the Dove Chocolates is the secret message inside.  

It's like a fortune cookie, only better.  I mean, come on, it's CHOCOLATE.

And, apparently, I AM A SUPER (role) MODEL.

Take that Tyra Banks.


mel said...

Are we going to see before and after pics of you??

word: spencer

Oh, Spencer, whispered Katherine.

SPT said...

Go Ju! Want more details on the diet. I am very proud!

sherri s. said...

I drink a microbrew beer called LTD (for limited, I guess), and inside each bottle cap is a little message using LTD, like "Lose The Drama," etc. Isn't not being able to eat what you want to eat a drag? I think it is! But I too am trying to watch what goes in my belleh...sigh.

word: pundsom

He may not be handsome, but he makes me laugh--he's pundsom.