So, I begin my usual pre-holiday perusing. (thank you Google) I found many oddball cards, filled with ugly children, scary moons and the big headed pumpkins. But, then I started noticing something even creepier. And, thus, I present to you this year's version of Halloween Holiday Pictures.
I'm starting off easy folks. I mean, I do want you to keep reading.
I am guessing these folks all, literally, found something from their drawers to use for a costume. (the exception might be the guy on the back row, not sure he had that on hand.)
Fairly creepy free, right? Cute dog and they look like they're all having a good time.
This one is starting to move into the "gives you the willies" zone---
Especially dude on the right. Hey, I'm seeing a trend here.
They're putting the creepy dudes on the end.
Why is it that children from this era just look haunted?
Okay, now I'm freaked out. Kid on the right was surely in the movie, "The Shining"
The combination of innocence and creepy is going to give me some freaky nightmares tonight.
And those suspenders are pushing it over the edge. Pigs and suspenders.
Person on the right = Freakiest of the Bunch.
Although, all four of these are pretty darn weird.
Mustache Kid and two big breasted somethings.
Just what ARE they?
Shiver running up and down my spine.