Sunday, November 27, 2011

Retro Turkey Day

Well, did we all have a nice Thanksgiving?  I know I feel well rested and filled to the gills!  I've eaten a LOT of food in the past few days, and taken many naps.  It's been loverly!

In years past we've spent the day at friend's houses or we've had some friends over to ours.  This year, it was just Steven, Taylor and myself.  It was so nice and low key. 

Since I had the time, I chose to use some of the things that I don't get around to using often enough.  I pulled out my grandmother's china.  I need to use these more often, as Steven and Taylor seemed stunned to see a "gravy boat."   At one point in my life, I had my own china, given to me at my first wedding.  But, that stayed with the ex when we split (apparently, he had an affinity for pink china...).  Having my grandmother's china is much more special. 

I also used my mom's silver . Although, I can't remember if it's silver, or silver plate.  Either way, my mom had it for years, and now it's mine.  All the pieces have a cursive "J" on them for Jamieson.  I'm pleased that they still go with JuJu.  And man, the knives are L O N G. 

So, we had the traditional fare, and we ate it on Grandma's china, scooped it up with Mom's utensils, and we all sat down to eat at Grandma's Pseudo Table.  When I made my annual Party Mix, I stored it in Grandma's yellow tupperware bowl.  The family was represented!

Granted, I would have much rather had them all here with me. (for one, the food would have been much better!)  But, since they were spending the holiday (and all holidays) in Heaven, it was just nice to have them here via the china, the forks and the tupperware.  For that, I was really really thankful.

And now, it's on to Christmas people.  Twenty Eight Shopping Days.  Ugh.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

YAY! Only 28 shopping days! Your table and china look beautiful. It is nice to have those wonderful memories.

It is very odd what ex's decide they must have! Mine had to keep the crystal for some unknown reason only to call me a few years later to take it.