Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Letter to My Blackberry

Dear Blackberry Storm:

You and I have been through a lot together.  Before you, your sister, the pink Blackberry, was my closest accessory.  Together, we've texted thousands of texts, sent photos to friends and loved ones, followed Missouri Tigers games, and kept current with all things Facebook.  You have been a tried and true friend.

That's why, what I have to say is so very difficult.

Blackberry, the time has come for us to go our separate ways.  Yes, I'm breaking up with you.  Oh, how I love your keyboard.  You helped this large-thumbed woman create perfectly spelled texts every time.  You and I knew each other so well, I didn't have to think when applying punctuation or emoticons.  Your short stocky stature matched mine to a T.

In spite of our compatibility my friend, it is time for a change.  I have resisted this change for a few years.  I even flirted with the Droid for a short period of time, but that was a fatal attraction for sure.  Only because I respect you, am I telling you that you are being replaced by the IPhone.

BB, it's time.  I need to be with my family and they all have the IPhone.  I need Instagram to spy, er um, keep up with my daughter's activities.  I need to be able to finally play words with friends and that drawing game.  Believe me when I say, it's ME, not YOU.

Thank you for your years of loyalty and service, even when others made fun of you.  I will always treasure our time together.  Enjoy your retirement my little outdated buddy.



mel said...


I tried to comment yesterday but I don't think it successfully posted....maybe because I have been away so long?? I have missed you but I am back.

Loved, loved, loved catching up on all your posts!

Colleen said...

I am toying with moving from a phone to a are miles ahead of me!!!

sherri s. said...

Ah, Apple has gotten another one! (just kidding!). I am miles behind on technology, too. I actually use a prepaid phone and only recently got a touch phone--which bugs the (#* out of me! You're either touching too hard or not hard enough (wow, that sounds naughty!).

Samantha Cole said...

"Aw! What a touching letter! XD If only your BlackBerry phone could read this letter, perhaps this would be his response…
Dear Ju,

It’s been my greatest pleasure of serving you. Believe it or not, my happiest days are spent with you, too. And don’t worry, I truly understand your point. I just hope you will enjoy using your new phone, just as you enjoyed using me. I will miss you, Ju!

Your BB =)"