Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday Randoms

Some of the thoughts traveling through my fried brain cells as I watch the St.Louis Cardinals game...

MAN, I wish I were in St. Louis right now.

Taylor is in St. Louis with a friend.  They drove there on their own, and are attending a music festival.  I'm so proud that I've raised a woman who feels confident enough to drive halfway across the country for something that really matters to her.

I am also pea green with envy that she is in St. Louis.

We are going to St. Louis for Thanksgiving.  I. CAN'T. WAIT.

I've developed a love affair with green olives stuffed with garlic cloves.

I finished a very sweet book Wednesday night.  I highly recommend Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter. 

Jess Walter is a dude.

I love the word,"dude."

I've ridden my bike twice now.  I realize I have extremely weak ankles.  Isn't that what old ladies have?

I'm still dieting. I've resigned myself to the fact that this will be an ongoing process. My next special day will be Thanksgiving. Watch out stuffing.  I'm coming for you.

Glad Dmitri won on Project Runway.  I liked his bracelets.  Of course, I like Fabio's strange little necklace too.

If you put me on, "Chopped," I'd have no idea what to do with the basket ingredients.  They'd get an omelet every time.

67 Days until Christmas. Crap.

I love the sounds I hear in my backyard.  Bugs. Birds. Squirrels. I just hope they're not talking about me.

Not that I'm paranoid.

Three things I like:  Crime TV, red onions and Show Tunes.

I change the channel when the game doesn't go my way.

I like black boots.

Have you seen this horrible show, "Live Jewelry Auctions?" OMG.  It's like a train wreck.  I can't look away.

Ugh.  Cardinals let in 3 runs.

Happy Friday to all of us!  See you on the flip side.


mel said...

More pictures of you, JuJu. I am loving the transformation.

Grandma K said...

And yet other things we have in common! I agree - I was pleased with the ending of Project Runway. He is so talented.