Sunday, December 30, 2012

Is it the end of the year already?

Where did this year go?  HOLY MOLY.  They go faster all the time.  Wasn't it just yesterday I was a little kid with brown hair?  (Trust me, that was a L O N G time ago.)

I guess it's that time of year when we all look at our lives and figure we better do something to make it better in the coming year.  You know, exercise more, eat less, all that jazz.  Of course, I need to do all that as well, but this year I'm going to make resolutions based on photos taken at a wedding yesterday.  With that in mind---

 I'm going to spend more time helping this young gal keep that big smile on her face.


I will worry less and enjoy the moment more.


I will do whatever it takes to bring joy to those around me.


I  will remember the things that are important and make them a priority.

I will surround myself with those who make me smile.

 I will live in the moment.

And I will laugh, laugh, laugh.

Happy 2013 to us all!

(and congratulations to Tiara and O'Brian!)


Colleen said...

Excellent resolutions!

Grandma K said...

Happy New Year.

sherri s. said...

I will say what I always say: you and your lovely family and friends ALWAYS seem to be enjoying life (and each other) to the fullest. So keep on doing that! Happy 2013 (wow, feels weird to type that!).