Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's Always Something

I fully intended to blog about my grandmother this evening. I have had a few ideas in my head just rolling around and ready to be put down in cyberspace.

But then I walked into work this morning and discovered that the roof on our building had been stolen.

I kid you not.

Up until this past weekend (we're guessing) we had copper molding that surrounded the top portion of our building. We have a flat roof, with two air conditioner units on it. Now? We have NO copper and a good bit of the roof is missing. At some point over the weekend, someone scaled a two story building and removed the copper and portions of the roof with it.

Now, this was no easy job. It would have taken hours to do this. So, not only did our thief/thieves have the biggest kahunas ever, but they were very dedicated to this job!!

Here's the best part of the story: Our office is about 50 yards from the Charleston County Sheriff's Department.

Sorry Grandma, I figured you'd understand if I had to wait another day. Stolen roofs just don't happen every day!


mel said...

Wow! Copper must have a high resale value!

Libby Buttons said...

Good Gawd !

angie128 said...

Seriously laughed out loud.

Should I send the Captain over?