Saturday, December 12, 2009

Right Now at My House

Right now at my house, someone's drawers are sitting in the middle of the hall.  (too small to be mine!)

Right now at my house, someone is raking leaves and looking mighty fine.

Right now at my house, there's a big fat white cat hoping someone will come brush him.

Right now at my house, the tree is hanging upside down and glowing nicely.

Right now at my house, the baby is curled up in a ball and ready for a nap.  Zzzzzzzzz.


angie128 said...

Sweet sweet doggie.

Definitely need more info on the tree. How jazzy!!

mel said...

Ahhhh, home.

JuJu said...

Angie, because of the cats, we have to anchor our tree to the ceiling. (one year, we came home and it was on the floor with broken ornaments!) A few years ago, Steven suggested we hang it from the ceiling upside down. So, that's our new tradition!!

sherri s. said...

I love the look on the sweet pup's face--I know it so well: "Excuse me, I'm TRYING to nap here!" So cute!

Anonymous said...

Oh Judi, where of where do I begin with this blog comment? Love the dog and cat (I have named out house Noah's Art). It is a good thing Steve did not have to venture too far from the house raking leaves...and PLEASE tell me why your Christmas tree is hanging upside down? Just part of your quirky personality. I commend you, my friend! Other than being a mom and wife for ultra many years, I have not held one single job for as long as you at the law office. What security that must be!

Merry Christmas, and thank you for your entertaining quibs!

JuJu said...

Nancy, are you Anonymous??