Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thunder in December, and more weirdness

Yeah, I'm sitting here and I hear thunder and rain.  It's December 2nd, and we're under a tornado watch and there's thunder.  Huh.

I'm now into my third evening of watching reruns of Grey's Anatomy.  Right now, I'm in my 7th hour.  Why am I doing this?  Last night, I ended up sobbing when George's dad died.  Huh.

I don't think Charlie (my big fat white cat) has moved from our bed for three days.  Steven says he has, but I haven't seen it.  Huh.

Lotion makes me sweat.  Huh.

Avocado is awesome.  Pizza is awesome.  But, avocado on pizza isn't so awesome.  It was good, it just wasn't awesome.  I think the flavor got lost.  Please don't be mad at me Mr. Avocado.  I still love you best.  Huh.

Wasn't I just in Portugal?  Huh.

Why do men grow facial hair?  Vanity?  Laziness?  Huh.

When I was a kid, I was a door slammer.  The doors in my house aren't very good for that nowadays.  (with the exception of the front door)  That's probably a good thing.  Huh.

I can never find the right pillow.  Huh.

Have you seen the WalMart commercial where the little boy wishes for something for his dad from Santa?  It tugs at my heart strings when Dad gets snow in the middle of the desert.    I am NOT a fan of WalMart, and actually boycott them, but I do love that commercial.  Huh.

I think I'd be happy to wear a scarf every day for the rest of my life.  Huh.

Some blogs come together well, some don't.  I think this is a don't.  Huh.


Sherri said...

I absolutely adore avocados and eat them all the time (they're relatively cheap here), generally just leaning over the sink with a spoon in one hand and the olive oil in another. BUT: I hate heated-up ain't right! Commercials: my mom and I were just on the phone and she burst into tears at the Budweiser Clydesdale commercial...I understand completely!

mel said...

Why is Stephen's face obscured as though this is a Cops episode???

mel said...

PS - I was being witty, not serious!

JuJu said...

Mel, Steven's mom wanted a picture of Charlie, for one of her friends. So, this is Steven's bit of humor. IT's a laugh-fest at my house. ;-)

Sherri-you are so right! Avocados are meant to be eaten cold!!

angie128 said...

I do not like avacados.

I like scarves.

I do not like WalMart.

I like random posts.

Jan, David, Rose and Grace said...

Does Charlie travel well? I think Sarge wants to invite him to a poker night soon. I'll get back to you with the date and details.