Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Sometimes I hate being a grown up.

You have to think about things like new roofs, rather than vacations.

You have to pay taxes, rather than get that refund that lasts you all year long.

You can't look past the dog poop, you have to pick it up.

Sometimes I hate being a woman.

It's our duty to take care of things.  Who takes care of us?

We have to talk everything out, men get to hold it all inside.

We have to walk in high heels and men get to wear flats.

Sometimes it's so hard to be a mom.

Moms worry all the time about their babies.  24 hours a day.

Moms hearts break for their kids.

Kids leave their moms.

Sometimes it's really hard to be a blogger.

Bloggers get writers block, or more like, "idea block."

Bloggers are afraid to reveal too much for fear of insulting or hurting or revealing.

Bloggers live for comments, and when they don't come, ohhhhhhhhh the agony...


I wouldn't change being a grown up, a woman, a mom, or a blogger. 

I love living my own life as a grown up.  I love being able to make my own decisions.  I love being able to vote.

I love the feelings I have, even if they confuse me all the time.  I love when you find a good group of women and you all embrace being a woman.

I love my children and can't imagine my life without them.  They bring me such joy, and I love their take on things.

And, I love being a blogger.  I get my feelings out, I have a record of my life, and I have met the most WONDERFUL people.

So, I guess that's the Libra in me folks---life is all about balance.  And, each day that's what I'm trying to do; just balance.


Mary said...

And oh is it hard to balance sometimes!! Great post Ju, as usual. Sometimes, I think I should just ask you to write my blog, you say what I'm thinking! Thanks.


mel said...

It is all a double-edged sword, isn't it??

The challenges make us deeper and wiser.

But hey, back to your earlier post. Taylor is only turning 18 and she is in college? Is she a genius??? Just like her mom!

angie128 said...

A most excellent post.

SPT said...

Life.... bittersweet.

Do you know I check your blog at least 10x a day?

Sherri said...

I'm a Pisces...we have no balance at all. We're in the water! (we swim upstream or drift aimlessly downstream...at least I do!).

Off to take a bath (in the water again) la la la...(crappy day, really--water and wine might help!)