Friday, April 23, 2010

This Week Was Poopy

I had one of those weeks where I felt like I was shaking my head all the time.  There has been too much sadness, too much reality, and too much poop.  I'm so very thankful that Friday is finally here and I'm back on my couch doing my Friday thing.

My dear friend had to put her dog down last weekend.  This makes me so sad.   Saying goodbye to a family member is just sad sad sad.

Another friend is dealing with her father's declining health.  There's nothing we can do to take away the pain, or to make it better.  We, as humans, have to be there to support and catch when they fall.

We have a client who, because of his accident, is in a permanent vegetative state.  He's only 24.  The accident happened when he was 19.  He is on a feeding tube, and now Medicare is backing off from the responsibilty of paying for his food.  Our job is to cut through the governmental red tape, not to fix this kid, but just to ensure that he will continue getting food.  The injustice of this pains me. 

I think of the client's mother and wonder how she gets through each day.  Is she disappointed and angry about the fate that life has dealt her, or is she thankful that her son is still alive; even in this limited capacity?

I posted something on Facebook about the fact that I believe in marriage for all people, straight, gay, three-headed, etc.  One person made comments that deeply disturbed me.  I know that not everyone in the world thinks the way I do, nor do I think they should.  But, my heart aches when people discriminate against someone, simply for who or what they are.  How can anyone think they are any better than anyone else?  I know that is a naive question, but it is gnawing at me.  Why can't everyone just love the other?

It's been a week my friends.  It's been a week where it's been tough to think positively, and let things go.  But, I have a feeling that things are about to change.  My couch has been freshly shampooed (thank you dear!), birds are singing outside in the yard, and best of all, Mary's scans came back clear again. 

I have to rejoice in the little things, instead of sweating em.


mel said...

Oh, Ju, I am sorry that someone as wonderful as you had such a trying week.

You really care for others -- and that is a beautiful thing.

I hope that you have a restful weekend that fills and refreshes you.

Take care of Ju this weekend!

Sherri said...

Aww, poor girl. It seems that yucky things often come in clusters, doesn't it? Blech. That picture is too darling...Rockett!!!!! Hope your weekend is good, relaxing, and poop-free!

Mary said...

So sorry this week was poopy and poop-filled. I wish we could be driving down right this minute for a hot dog par-tay. Love you.

Anonymous said...

I just happened upon your Blog one day not long ago, and think it is well written, refreshing, and very sincere. It brings smiles as well as empathy; so don't stop, keep it up. You never know who you are helping with your words.

SPT said...

Buh bye poopy week!

That photo of you SO reminds me of the Rosie the Riveter photo "We Can Do It!"

Anonymous said...

Judi! I love your blog. You make me giggle/sad/thoughtful/thankful all in one. Sorry you had such a poopy week. Life (and people) can be so hard to understand sometimes. I too had a poopy week but in a more smelly hands on way so to speek. Aahh the glamorous life with small babies.


mel said...

Ju - you have a new reader it seems! Your light reaches another reader!