Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Typical Evening on Bronwen Court

When it's time for bed in our house, it becomes a battle to get your spot in the bed. 

How many people sleep in this bed?  Just two. 

How many animals sleep in this bed?  Anywhere between one (always the dog) and five.  (We have four cats and one dog. ) Let me show you what last night's arrangement was:

In case you're wondering, and can't interpret from this Picasso-like drawing, that square thing is a bed, the square things next to it are nighstands, and the thing on the right is a window.

As you can see, leg room is almost non-existent.  And recently, Charlie has taken to sleeping between my legs.  As you know, most people don't lie perfectly still throughout the night, so any time we attempt to move, it becomes a struggle to see who is the most stubborn. 

Steven usually gets the raw end of the deal.  As you can see, he has the three cat fence on one side, and the dog on the other.  Last night, one of our cats decided to scratch himself all night.  Scratch-Scratch-Scratch-
Scratch-Scratch-Scratch-Scratch-Scratch-Scratch-Scratch-Scratch-Scratch-Scratch-.  Yeah, it's real easy to sleep through THAT.

Rockett woke up around midnight and wanted to go outside.  Since we had our windows open to let in the cool spring air, she overheard some kind of creature crawling in the backyard.  And, since she doesn't allow any creatures in the backyard, she then had to go outside to show it who is boss.  So, I get up and let her outside.  So, now we've had two major interruptions in our sleep combined with the lovely sleeping positions listed above.

We finally get back to sleep and the next event in the evening?  WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
That's a really loud train whistle.  And, then the really loud train.

Yep, this is a typical evening in our house.  Often times, we hear cats gagging, water drinking, food chomping and human snoring.  (To be fair, I'm the loudest snorer of the seven of us.  And yes, the cats do snore.) 

But you know what?  I wouldn't have it any other way. 


mel said...

And you look so pretty when you sleep!

angie128 said...

I can relate.
But I have no cats.
Just a big dog.
And the Captain.

sherri s. said...

Love the drawings! They're priceless! The only rule in our house regarding the dog and where she puts her person is...no sleeping on the bed at night. She sleeps in her crate in our bedroom (goes in happily, I might add). Too much hot dog in bed otherwise...the combo of her hot little body and my hot flashes might cause spontaneous human combustion! Thanks for the 800th post congrats, BTW!

SPT said...

That looks like such a cozy place to be. I'm tempted to join the fun!