Friday, January 15, 2010

2010 Thus Far

This year so far.....

I'm dieting.  Well, let's rephrase that.  I'm adjusting my "lifestyle."  This is a lifestyle change.  I've been doing this for two weeks now.  I'm not weighing myself, as I get too hung up on the numbers.  What have I learned?  I really love my "Yo Crunch" 100 calorie yogurt.

Still watching all the Grey's Anatomy re-runs.  THREE HOURS a night.

I ordered a Wii Fit.  It arrived today.  I start tomorrow.  Pain starts Sunday.

I listened to a great interview with Liza Minelli the other day.  I never realized the lisp she has.  It's pretty cool.  I bet a lisp wouldn't be so cool on me.

I had to let someone go at work today.    It all made sense why, and I had no choice, but it still sucks.  One time when I fired a girl, I told her how hard it was on me.  She said that really it was a lot harder on her.    How insensitive of me, eh?  I never walk away from terminating someone and feeling good about myself. 

I saw some snow.

I ordered two new books.  This only adds to all the darn books I need to read.  I must stop buying books until I read some of the books I already have.  This means I need to start reading.

I watched a great football game last Sunday.

I'm NOT watching American Idol yet.  I know I'll succumb when they get to the finalists, but I'm not giving up that time just yet.

Hey, I cleaned out my junk drawer!  Did I mention that?

Hm.  I haven't really accomplished much yet.  I think I would be wise to make a list of things to accomplish.  I don't want to call them resolutions.  But, I need to figure something out, because this list is S A D.    And it's B A D.      E G A D.

Okay.  Tomorrow's post is already decided.  Get ready for the start of my list of things to accomplish.  Ohhhhhh, will you sleep tonight?


mel said...

What books did you order?

JuJu said...

Here's my order form from Amazon. I actually ordered three!!

Items not yet shipped:
Shipping estimate: January 19, 2010

1 of: Rules for My Unborn Son
Sold by:, LLC
1 of: Deeper Than the Dead
Sold by:, LLC
1 of: Motherless Daughters: The Legacy of Loss, Second Edition
Sold by:, LLC

sherri s. said...

I haven't gotten around to my list o' goals, etc. Number one: stop procrastinating! Ha! And number two is order time machine to go back to time before menopause so that my clothes still fit! No Ha! for this one...sad frowny face instead. No, damn it, Ha!

Cath said...

Then you missed

"Pants on the floor, pants of the floor . . . . ."

mel said...

VERY interesting books, Ju. Sandie has suggested we start a YaYa book club once Cath is fully among us in?

SPT said...

Ju - i say until they make a carrot that tastes and feels like a cookie in your mouth, it's a freakin' diet. life style change? pshaw!

Cath - pants on the ground, pants on the ground. lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground.