Wednesday, January 27, 2010

JuJu's Flu By the Numbers

Okay, so I have no "medical" proof that what I've been enduring for the last week was the flu, but I"m going with it.  Whatever it was, it flat out sucked. 

Sometimes the only way to understand just how much something sucks is to BREAK IT DOWN.  (cue music)  So, here is my flu bug, by the numbers:

Number of times I took my temperature:  greater than 20 but less than 100.

Number of times I had a fever:  greater than 20 but less than 100.  (actually, it was just all day Sunday and Monday)

Number of times I coughed or sneezed:  infinity

Number of times said coughing/sneezing led to a pj bottom change:  infinity

Number of  laundry loads to wash the pj bottoms:  four

Number of dogs snuggling with me until the coughing scared her:  one

Number of  "America's Next Top Model:  Cycle 12" I listened to while in flu coma:  eight?

Number of football games I missed enjoying:  two  (okay, there were only two being played that day)

Number of pounds lost:  6.2  (Seriously)

Number of times I went on Facebook while in the midst of flu coma:  one.  People.  This says it all.  ONE time on FB in a two day period.  Yowza.

Number of times a coworker called/texted me for something apparently only I could answer:  Grrrrr.  (lost track)

Number of coworkers who have suffered same affliction to date:  three

Number of days it's going to take to get back to normal?  Still counting folks.  This thing is a $%@&*!!

But, at least I'm back to being able to blog, gossip on Facebook, put together a rational thought, and food is finally starting to look appetizing.  I can only imagine how mad my Wii Fit Trainer is going to be since I've been "gone" so long. 

I wonder if she'll accept a note from a doctor?

My sincere apology that I left off an important item:  Number of guys who took care of me, got me medicine, waited on me, listened to me moan, cleaned up my spilled water, put up with all the times I changed my drawers, and bought the best Popsicles ever:  ONE very special guy. xxx 


angie128 said...

Sorry you've been under the weather. Hope recovery is around the bend. I think a few more jammie days and some crossword puzzles may be just what the doctor ordered.

coultasj1 said...

Was it Swine or regular flu? Sounds horrendous. So i guess you won't be joining us for drinks after the soccer tonite!

sherri s. said...

Aww...feel better! There's never anything trashy on when I want it, so glad you had ANTM to keep you company.

mel said...

Oh, this was even more awful than I imagined. Take your time getting better. Don't rush back to work before you are ready. You don't want to be exposed to those germs again!