Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I put a post on Facebook today, that I really don't like the sound of a telephone. 

When I was younger, I did like it, because that was my only means of communicating with friends and BOYS!  That was back in the day of no internet, no cell phones, etc.  We spoke to our friends on the phones, and these phones had cords.  By the time we were done with our conversations, the cord was wrapped multiple times around our bodies.  That's when talking on the phone was good.

Nowadays, the only time I get calls is when someone wants something, or needs something, or has drastic news.   Few people call just to tell me they're thinking of me. (and conversely, I don't call folks just to say, "Hey." )

The phone is the item that rang in the middle of the night, I picked it up and I heard the hospital tell my dad that my mom was gone.  The phone is the device by which I found out my dad died, my grandfather died, my other grandfather died, Gary died, Grandma had a stroke.  And, most of these times, the call came in the middle of the night. 

I hate a ringing phone in the middle of the night.  It's never good.

I think that's why I have begun to favor emails and texts.  For some reason, it's the new means to stay in touch with loved ones.  It's the modern way to announce a birth, engagement, or other good news.  It's a nice quick way to say, "you're on my mind."  THOSE are the messages I like to receive.

Even the best ring tone doesn't help.  Me no likey a ringing phone of any kind.


mel said...

I knew that was why.

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