I also watched a GREAT movie today. Taylor and I watched Harry Potter 7, Part 1, again today. I cried, again, when Dobby died. I can't wait for Part 2.

Bad sports weekend. ManU lost. Brother's baseball team lost.
I really don't care for the new Mr. Peanut. I think he's a bit creepy? But, I'm glad they kept the monocle.
A phantom cat keeps appearing in our back yard . It's always at dusk, and he sits under the bird feeder. And, he looks just like Bailey. It makes the hair stand up on our arms.
I don't like white rice. Anyone else out there feel the same way?
I went to WalMart today. I loathe WalMart. I go there, maybe, once a year. Today was the day. Please don't let me end up on one of those, "People of WalMart" emails.
How do auctioneers learn to speak so fast?
I can't decide what I think about Gwyneth Paltrow. I loved her in Shallow Hal, but in most other things, I think she might annoy me?
Speaking of Shallow Hal, I do love that movie.
Do you still boil eggs and dye them for Easter? I used to LOVE to do that. I think I'll need to do that again this year. And then make egg salad!
Taylor and I heard a toddler crying in WalMart today. She asked me if she ever dared to do that. I responded that, of course she did. She was aghast that she would have ever done such a thing. Pshaw.
I just re-read this. I have a lot of "don't likes" going today. I need to turn that around. Liking is so much more attractive than NOT liking.
Happy Holy Week everyone. Randomness out!
I think its the new Mr. Peanut's smile that I don't like.
What did you buy at Walmart?
I adore these posts of yours! I loathe Walmart as well and have only been in one twice in my life (one at midnight--creepy: there were some freakin' weird people in there!) I don't like new Mr. Peanut, just as I hate those M*Ms, like you! I love all kinds of rice, actually.
word: slyst
I like slyst avocado on my samiches.
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