Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday Monday

Ya know, sometimes things just happen in your day that make you scratch your head.  Today was one of those days for me. 

It was a very dull grey day here in Charleston.  It threatened to rain all day long, and even though I know the sun was out there, I certainly never saw it.

I was going through my Monday routine, and trying to keep my mind from wandering.  This has been tricky of late, as we have folks working on our roof.  (Remember, our roof was stolen at work about a month ago)  For the last few weeks, we've heard banging, sawing, walking, pounding and tapping on the roof.  I don't mind these noises, I rather enjoy trying to figure out what's happening above my head.  I have a small window near the top of my office.  I can see tree tops and the sky, that's about it.  So, I can't see much of what goes on in the outside world.

So, today, I'm trying to stay awake and focused.  All of  sudden, I hear someone above me running, and then I see some form of liquid going past my window. 

I think someone lost their lunch just outside my window. 

The thing is, some "residue" got on my window.  And, now that this residue is on there, it will probably be there for life.  Our firm doesn't spend money on washing second floor windows.  So, unless we get a sideways rain storm, there's every chance I'll be looking at this little human art project on my window for a long long time. 

Can't wait to find out what Tuesday holds for me...


mel said...

Well that sure is gross! Now do we have any other explanations? They were having contests to see who would be the first to throw their coffee over the side???

JuJu said...

I'm really hoping that's what it was. (coffee!)

I need to blog about something other than bodily functions.

Pete said...

If you squint you could maybe pretend it was spanish moss... ?

angie128 said...

Oh dear. Are you serious? Erg.