Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Mom, why are you so frazzled?  Work was a *&^(* today?  I still love you.  Even when you stink.  As a matter of fact, I love you even more when you stink.


(Photo by Steven.  Of course.)


mel said...

Dogs are just the best, and clearly Rockett has good taste.

Time to chil, Ju. Maybe Grey's or Law and Order is on tonight??


PS - Sometimes work rocks and sometimes it is just a necessary evil to prevent us from being homeless....

JuJu said...

Oh amen to that!!
I had a great dinner, did some shopping and am now watching ANTM, things are looking up!!

angie128 said...

Dat ish shuch a schweet puppy baby.

Great picture.

sherri s. said...

OK now...TOO. MUCH. CUTENESS. Rockett and Tallulah Mae could not be in the same room together or it might be a lethal cuteness overload. Did you see cute Laura "dishing" with Bianca last night during ANTM? Love her! Trash TV, good for what ails ya!