Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday Night Makeover

Yeah, I'm not sure what I think of this background.  But, I've been working on this all night now, and nothing is clicking with me.  So, for now, this is it.  But, I imagine this won't be it by the end of the weekend.

This has been a really crazy week.  It's been challenging, heartbreaking, educational, and I'm really glad it's over.  I have to say that it sure is nice to have this blog community to turn to during weeks like this.  For one thing, it's a distraction.  For another, it's such a great means of support.  I love my blogging friends, and so enjoy all the blogs that I read on a regular basis.  These people are my friends.  I love their kids, their animals, their houses, their adventures, their photos.  So, to all of you who don't even realize it, thank you for helping me get through this week!

And, now it's time for the weekend.  HOO-RAY.  Let's all look at something pretty:

(love that scarf!)

Something H O T:

(oh mama!)

And something funny:

Charlie, you make me giggle.

(photo by Steven)


mel said...

oh my stars, that kitty is a hoot!

Take a nice hot bath this weekend, sink in, and relax.

Various and Sunday said...

Hi JuJu - thanks for stopping by my blog to check out Sherri's parade. I think Marilyn's cake is red velvet. At least that's what she mentioned she would like! And, oh my, but i do love your Friday night trio of pretty, hot, and funny! Perfect! Good taste, lady! hugs, Robin

sherri s. said...

Just catching up on my bloggy friends post-family wedding AND, well, vomiting. YOU help us get through our bad weeks, too--not only is your blog so funny, but your sweet comments make our days. Yay, JuJu!